Uniforms & Badges Our District’s shop sells all uniform items, gifts, accessories and other essentials for anyone involved in Scouting.Chelmsford & District Scout Shop can be found at Brookbank (by the allotments at the back of the shops) on Meadgate parade.By purchasing from the District’s shop, you’ll save 10% compared to buying online.The shop is open on Saturday mornings from 10am-12:30pm during term times. The shop sells all uniform items as well as some other bits and pieces. Before heading out, check the shop’s Facebook page to make sure there’s no unexpected closures. There are lots of activity badges available for Beavers, ranging from the Experiment Activity Badge to the Animal Friend Activity Badge, along with many challenge awards, partnership awards and some staged badges which run all through the Scouting sections. Not all badges will be completed at weekly meetings, so why not find out what needs to be done for the badges and learn where they need to be sewn once they’ve been presented. Beaver Activity Badge Requirements Beaver Award Requirements The Cubs can earn dozens of activity badges, including Photography, Entertainers and Disability Awareness along with a wide range of challenge awards, partnership awards and the staged badges which can be earned in any section. With such a range of badges available, there’s no way that we could include all of them in our weekly meetings! Some require specialist knowledge that Cubs might get from lessons and clubs outside of Scouting and so it’s a great idea to learn what the requirements are for each badge and where abouts on the uniform they belong! Cub Activity Badge Requirements Cub Award Requirements The Scout section has over 50 Activity badges available to it’s members covering topics such as Mechanics, Street Sports, Survival Skills and DIY, with the possibility of gaining instructors awards for some of these. On top of all of these, there’s still challenge awards, partnership awards and of course the staged badges. With this number of badges, the Scouts will need to do some work at home if they plan to achieve even a small percentage of what’s available. It’s worth checking out what’s required for each badge and where it goes when it’s completed. Scout Badge Requirements Scout Award Requirements